Friday, January 21, 2011

The Vatican, Home, and Back to School

I know it's been a while since I've posted anything and I'm sure most people have stopped reading by now anyway (if anyone ever began to), but I thought it a good idea to tie things together.

Before we left Rome the entire class made what, to me, was a pilgrimage to see the Pope at The Vatican. Yes, we were in audience listening to the man himself! It was quite a sight to behold when he walked onto the stage. The leader of the Church, one of the most important figures in the world, was sitting not more than 250 feet away. For me, being Catholic, it was one of the most fantastic things on earth and even my Protestant "brothers" seemed genuinely enthusiastic about being there. Perhaps most amazing was his ability to speak 8 languages. It's hard to recount my excitement so long afterward, but I can assure all readers that I was in awe. I'll always remember being there, though.

Not long after the trip to St. Peter's (yes, we even climbed the dome!!!):

we made another sort of pilgrimage back to the United States. It was a hectic and emotional couple of days trying to get everything together and saying goodbye to various people we had become friends with in the Eternal City. I was obviously quite eager to get back and see everyone and to enjoy the holidays, but that doesn't mean I wanted to leave so badly. Firstly, Rome had quite simply become home. It would also be difficult getting used to not traveling each weekend and doing typical, routines-type things again such as working; being around family, friends, and Katie; and eventually going to school. Finally, I didn't look forward to the long flight home. As for that flight, it went relatively smoothly. I was actually able to fall asleep for a bit, my back didn't act up at all, and I relaxed with some music and read about the NHL and college basketball. Once we got to the airport it was a bit more convoluted and frustrating. Because I wasn't continuing on to Pittsburgh I had to take my bags off, send them on a belt to a different terminal, go through security again, take various modes of transportation to that other terminal, then find my bags once more. After all of that happened, though, the most magical moment came to pass. I was walking down the hall back towards where I was told my family was and...well, there they were! I saw my brother first and couldn't believe how tall he'd gotten just while I was gone. He looked so happy to see me and that meant a lot. After that I saw my parents and Katie ambling and talking happily in my direction. I was surprised to see my dad. He'd said he wouldn't be able to come, which disappointed me thoroughly. That disappointment was totally supplanted by an equal amount of excitement when I saw him. My mom seemed happy to see me and that I casually walked over trying to hide it, but I gratefully hugged her and came near to tearing up. And then there was Katie. She looked even more beautiful than I remembered (which was the most beautiful) and I embraced her and kissed her and just...I couldn't contain myself. I was so happy to be back.

The holidays were incredible. I had one of the best Christmases I've ever had. I got so many great things that I actually needed, but most importantly I was with my family. That meant a lot after being gone for so long. I'll spare the details here, but just point out that it was magnanimous and magnificent to say the least.

Finally, there's school. I'm back in snowy and sleepy Beaver Falls. As weird is it is for me to say, I've been looking forward to this semester. I really got to pick and choose my classes and have been enjoying most of them so far. I've been looking forward to baseball as well and it's been nice to get back into the swing of practicing and trying to get into shape, plus getting to hang around the guys again.

I've been thinking about continuing this blog some to update everyone on various travels throughout the semester and during the summer. It's been great to see and hear how many people have enjoyed this and I appreciate your readership. Thanks!

Pictures from seeing the Pope and the St. Peter's Dome climb can be seen here:

other pictures from Christmas, the Pens game I got to go to for a Christmas present, and things like that can be seen by clicking on "Mike Trn" at the top. The rest should be easy enough to find!